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IBM To Split Into Two Separate Companies

IBM’s “NewCo” spinoff will focus on infrastructure management, hosting, network and cloud services. The remaining IBM will focus on software, data processing, artificial intelligence, automation and security. The move generally speaking, separates IBM’s compute and services offerings from its network infrastructure offering,

Image from GoDaddy’s Tempe, AZ offices courtesy of GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC

GoDaddy Hacked, 28,000 Customers At Risk

Security firm Defiant, developer of the Wordfence publishing security platform, announced that web hosting firm GoDaddy disclosed that the SSH credentials of 28,000 GoDaddy hosting accounts were stolen by a hacker.

Nathan Furr & Charlene Li Keynoted Wobi on Digital Transformation Event in Medellín, Colombia

Nathan Furr & Charlene Li Keynoted Wobi on Digital Transformation Event in Medellín, Colombia

Global business content group WOBI recently held its one day meeting on digital transformation in Medellín, Colombia’s Plaza Mayor convention center, bringing together international and national speakers to share ideas and ways to rethink business models and customer relationships. The Medellín event was one of five globally, others being in Mexico City, Madrid, Milan, and...

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