Home Insight Amazon Confirms That It Is 100% Free of Oracle, Now Running On 100% Purpose—Built AWS Databases

Amazon Confirms That It Is 100% Free of Oracle, Now Running On 100% Purpose—Built AWS Databases

Amazon Confirms That It Is 100% Free of Oracle, Now Running On 100% Purpose—Built AWS Databases

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) announced yesterday that it has turned off its final Oracle (NYSE:ORCL) database, running all workloads across all Amazon business units that were previously on Oracle databases now on purpose built Amazon databases. Amazon at one point ran thousands of Oracle databases, and now runs none.

More than 100 teams in Amazon’s Consumer business participated in the migration effort. This included customer-facing brands and sites such as AlexaAmazon PrimeAmazon Prime VideoAmazon FreshKindleAmazon MusicAudibleShopbopTwitch, and Zappos, as well as internal teams such as AdTech, Amazon Fulfillment Technology, Consumer Payments, Customer Returns, Catalog Systems, Deliver Experience, Digital Devices, External Payments, Finance, InfoSec, Marketplace, Ordering, and Retail Systems.

Amazon at one point ran thousands of Oracle databases, and now runs none.

Amazon migrated 75 petabytes of internal data stored in nearly 7,500 Oracle databases to multiple AWS database services including Amazon DynamoDBAmazon AuroraAmazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and Amazon Redshift. The migrations were accomplished with little or no downtime, and covered 100% of the company’s proprietary systems. This included complex purchasing, catalog management, order fulfillment, accounting, and video streaming workloads. Amazon says it kept careful track of the costs and the performance, and reports the following results:

  • Cost Reduction – Reduced database costs by over 60% on top of the heavily discounted negotiated rate. According to Amazon AWS, customers regularly report cost savings of 90% by switching from Oracle to AWS.
  • Performance Improvements – Latency of consumer-facing applications was reduced by 40%.
  • Administrative Overhead – The switch to managed services reduced database admin overhead by 70%.

“The migration gave each internal team the freedom to choose the purpose-built AWS database service that best fit their needs, and also gave them better control over their budget and their cost model, said Amazon AWS evangelist Jeff Barr on his corporate blog. “Low-latency services were migrated to DynamoDB and other highly scalable non-relational databases such as Amazon ElastiCache. Transactional relational workloads with high data consistency requirements were moved to Aurora and RDS; analytics workloads were migrated to Redshift, our cloud data warehouse.”

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